Health and Safety Policy Statement

General statement

It is our policy to:

  • Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
  • Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
  • Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;
  • Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
  • Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals


The company is embarking on a program of attaining formal approval of its Health and Safety Management system to ISO 18001 : 2007. All current policy and procedural documentation is undergoing a rolling review to achieve measurable performance improvement. To ensure this progress the company will hold regular planned reviews to set and monitor health and safety objectives.


Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is with the Directors of the company. All employees are required to:

  • Co-operate with their supervisor/manager on health and safety matters;
  • Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety;
  • Follow any system of work implemented to protect their health and safety and generally take reasonable care of their own health and safety; and
  • Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement).

Risk assessment

Key personnel within our company have been nominated and will oversee the carrying out risk assessments in our workplace. We will adopt a pro-active approach by conducting a systematic and up-to-date risk assessment of all areas within our organisation. This assessment will cover all foreseeable hazards. This is a practical exercise that will lead to the implementation of necessary improvements in the design of our workplace and the way in which we organise work.

We will periodically review our health and safety policy to ensure that it remains relevant to the needs of our staff, organisation and legislative requirements. We recognise that improving health and safety standards is an ongoing process.


As part of our risk management process we are committed to consulting and involving all our employees. Employee involvement in this process is seen as essential. An important part of our policy is the commitment to provide everyone within our organisation with appropriate health and safety training so that they can fulfil competently our health & safety responsibilities - including participating in the risk assessment process.

Monitoring and inspection

Constant scrutiny contributes to the development of a healthy and safe workplace. We will undertake regular Inspections and checks to monitor health and safety performance. Employee involvement and participation in this ongoing exercise is seen as very important.

Training and information

Our Operations Manager has been nominated as the person who will oversee the delivery of health and safety training in our workplace. A key element to achieving safe work practices is knowledge and information. All staff, including temporary workers, will receive health and safety training. This training will include induction training for new staff, as well as on-going health and safety training for staff on more specific issues associated with their work. Health and safety training will cover all the foreseeable hazards to which employees are exposed and safety measures you must take to protect your health and safety.

If you are required to undertake a task for which you feel you are not competent and where your health or safety might be put at undue risk you are required to report this immediately so that appropriate remedial steps can be taken.

Accident Reporting

The reporting of accidents and dangerous occurrences is a statutory requirement. Certain accidents and ill health that result in a person being absent for three or more days must also be reported to enforcing authorities on standard forms like this. In addition to obvious injury, this reporting covers absence due to ill health from recognised diseases.

All staff are required to report any work related ill health absence or dangerous occurrence. In the event of an accident there will be a formal investigation. This is not to apportion blame but to establish root causes so that we can prevent future accidents.